Wednesday, April 9, 2008

April Update

Well its been almost a month since I last posted. Since the last post,
I've signed off on all colors, and picked my lighting. I was given a $1000 lighting allowance. Mental note.. $1000 will pretty much buy 1 chandelier and half a dining light. Get this bumped to at least 2. I'm fortunate to have put in a ton of recessed lighting, but I'm still going over-budget.
Living Lighting is supplying the hardware. Talk to Jen or Margaret (the owner), very knowledgable staff. To date, this has been the hardest decision to make. Depending on your taste, literally hundreds of options. I stuck to modern, contemporary. Another tip: it can take as long as 4-6 weeks to receive ordered fixtures, so give yourself ample time before closing to select lighting.
On to the pics:

Mar 03 - Yep, its a lot.

Mar 18 - I own a hole in the earth.

Mar 21 - Casing for Foundation
Mar 26 - Foundation Complete.

Mar 26 - Main Sub-Floor.
Under Way

Apr 02 - Framing Continues

Apr 10 - Trusses installed

And there's the update. Contact me if you'd like to see other angles.
I must have close to 100mb of pics to date. Until next time...