Monday, March 10, 2008

Extras, Extras!

I met with the interior designer Klaudia for the second time. At the previous meeting I had left her with a list of upgrades I wanted priced out. From all of these I selected those which I most wanted, mainly extra recessed lights and kitchen cupboards. One thing I think should be noted, and anyone purchasing new should include in their deal: rough-in in the basement for another washroom. I can't stress enough how expensive this would be after the fact. Its just a small thing, but think about the issues you'll have later on using a jackhammer, along with all the dust. You can't put a price on convenience, especially when its relatively cheap. Besides, I don't play the cat-calling construction worker as well I play the raging, bitter, consumer.I'm currently arguing the cost of having the rough-in with the builder, given its shown in all plans that I've been given. Come on, Covington, throw it in.

All told, before the appliances, I've spent a total of $5000 on upgrades outside of the original deal. I declined another $6000.

Another lesson learned. Confirm EVERYTHING. I'll say it again for those who didn't get the point. Confirm ALL upgrades. There are STILL things I'm forgetting to remember even with the plans staring me in the face. Fortunately, Klaudia (the interior designer) has been helping me through the process (and the weather hasn't allowed the builder to break ground yet). Another great resource is having someone who's built with the builder before, or, as I'm so lucky to have, other consumers going through the process with me. Think of them as your check and balance.
Set aside at least two days off work to really focus on your upgrades and give yourself three or four days in between each meeting with the builder to let it all soak in.

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